A total of 26 TKU students including Kuo Chia-chun (Sophomore, Mass Communications) have been chosen by Office of International Exchange & International Education to study in 13 colleges/universities within 9 countries.
The entire breakdown of the students vs. different destinations is as follows:
Stockholm University of Sweden: Kuo Chia-chun (Sophomore, Mass Communications), Chen Sz-ting (Sophomore, Information Communications); Curtin University of Technology, Australia: Chu Chun-han (Sophomore, Information Management), Chen Yin-yen (Sophomore, Management Science); New South Wales U., Australia: Chang Yu-han (Sophomore, English); Brandon University, Canada: Lai Yi-chun (Sophomore, French); Kyonggi University, Korea: Huang Hsin-yuan (Sophomore, History); Universite of Jean Moulin, Lyons 3: Hung Yu-ting, Tseng Hsin-ting, Lee Lu-ling, Lee Sheng-kai, Chen Chin-yu, Lin Chia-fei, Hsu Chia-yu, Lin Yuan-hsi, Kang Yu-pei (they are all sophomores, French) and Chen Juei-zong (Junior, English); The University of Vienna, Austria: Yuan Tsai-yu, Lin Ting-chun (Sophomores, German); University of Cologne, German: Liao Yi-hsuan (Sophomore, German); Bonn University: Wu Mei-ling (Graduate 1, Institute of European Studies), Tsai lu-ling (Sophomore, German); Haute Ecole-Leonard de Vinci: Kuo Han-zong (Sophomore, French), Universite Catholique de Louvain: Liang Yu-shan (Graduate 1, Institute of European Studies); Warsaw University, Poland: Lee Yi-shan (Sophomore, Mass Communications) and Lund University, Sweden: (Graduate 1, Institute of European Studies) sponsored by MOE Swedish Scholarship Grant.
Many students expressed their joys and excitements for having realized their long cherished dream of furthering their studies in a foreign country. Here are some of their feedbacks: Miss Chen Jui-zong (English): “I’ve always wanted to do a double-major. Now I have been admitted into Lyons 3 Universite. You ask me what I’d like to do once I set my foot on France. I tell you I want to ride in the European trains. It must be quite an experience.” Miss Lee Yi-shan: “My destination is Poland. I’m not afraid of going so far away. Besides, I’ve heard that in Poland there are so many handsome boys. Wow!” Mr. Huang Hsin-yuan (History): “I’ve studied Spanish, French and Japanese. Now I am about to learning another language; I want to experience what is considered the sternest national characteristics as may be embodied in a language called the Korean language.” Chu Chun-han (Sophomore, Information Management): “My first intention is to study in Brandon U. Canada, because I’ve heard their Music Department is a good one. Now I’m going to Curtin U. in Australia. That’s not bad at all. At least the credits I earned there can be counted in my home Department.” involuntarily shall be exonerated from this rule.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
CLICKS: 1537