According to Office of Academic Affairs, a total of 21 Ph.D. candidates from 6 graduate institutes will be conferred with the highest degrees today (June 8) in the TKU Commencement.
Pres. Chang Horng-jinh will personally hand down the certificates to the candidates. Besides, a gift provided by the university, a sash, in fact, will be given to the candidates to wear to show ostentatiously how great they are.
Following is the list of the successful doctorate recipients:
From the Institute of Management Science:
Wang Mei-hwei, Tao Hsueh-yue, Lo Chih-pang, Yang Ming-yu, Lee Chien-chung; from Institute of Information Engineering: Kuo Tz-feng, Teng You-kwang, Chiu Chuan-feng, Huang Der-sheng; from Institute of American Studies: Hou Yung-chih, Kuo Shou-wang, Yu Lung-tung, Huang Hsien-yi; from Institute of Chemistry: Tsuo Hsi-chun, Lin Ching-huang, Su Feng-yi, Chang Chin-chuan; from Institute of Electrical Engineering: Wu Chih-chiang, Wang You-chuan and from Institute of Physics: Chiang Chun-ming, Lee Chung-chieh.
According to Office of Academic Affairs, not all the Ph.D. candidates listed above are able to attend the Commencement because of the delayed Oral schedule. But for Tsou Hsi-chun, Chiang Chun-ming, Wang Mei-hwei, Hou Yung-chih and Kuo Shou-wang, since they have passed their Orals in the spring term, they are definitely to attend.
There are quite a few candidates who are already Lecturers in some higher-education institutions. For instance, Chiang Chun-ming and Kuo Shou-wang are Assistant Professors in Kwang Wu Technology College, Hou Yung-chih is Lecturer of Fu Jen University; Kuo Tz-feng is the General Manager of Tze Chuang Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and Tsou Hsi-chun is Section Chief, Management Planning, Taiwan Sugar Co., Ltd.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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