Miss Shu Hwei-chun (Senior, German) will represent Taiwan to participate in the World Youth Forum and World Youth Leaders’ Conference to be held in Greece in the upcoming July. In the meantime, she has been chosen by World Scouts Headquarters to start from September working in Geneva, Switzerland for one year.
According to Mr. Yeh Chin-fa, a TKU alumnus, now President of Rover Scouts, TKU, the World Scouts Headquarters has extended their tentacles to recruit youth talents from the following 4 areas: Taiwan, Germany, Spain and Mexico. Given that Taiwan will play host to holding the 2004 World Scouts Convention, they have reserved a special vacancy for Taiwan. It’s a privilege. This is part of the reasons why Miss Hsu got chosen; another reason is that she has excellent girl-scout background plus her unusual command of language skills.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
CLICKS: 1507