The Children's Welfare Association and the Torch-light Club of TKU have been awarded by the 12th College Youth Servicing Clubs Awards sponsored by the Cultural Foundation of the United Daily. They have won NT$ 20,000 and 10,000 award money respectively. The latter also has won an award at the 12th Outstanding College Servicing Clubs Awards, an event that was sponsored by the Distinguished Citizens Society (DCS), winning them another NT$ 10,000 prize money.
The Torch-light Club has always been very dedicated to public service. With this track record and their future plans such as going to Ba-li Charity Center for Mental Impaired Children during this winter break and hosting a barrier-free experiential camp next semester, they have won well-deserved recognition from both United Daily and DCS. The director of the club, Chang Cheng-wei, a junior of the Banking and Finance Department, is very pleased about the prize money as it will certainly make their charity work easier in the future, even though it may not be able to restore the dropping membership they have been experiencing in recent semesters. He is very concerned about the shortage of manpower; yet, with the demanding nature of his club, there is nothing he can do at the moment.
The Children's Welfare Club won their award with the regular services they have been rendering to four institutions nearby: Shui-yuan Elementary School, Tamsui Junior High School, Jhuwei Junior High School and the local community center. The club endeavors to provide lively and fun services such as theater, games and hands-on ecological activities to children and adults alike. In this way, they have created entertainment as well as meaningful lessons to the local community. (~Ying-hsueh Hu)
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
CLICKS: 1222