第 933 期 圖片資訊 2014/05/26

淡江+華航 全國唯一 民航學程
Tamkang University and China Airlines Create Aviation Curriculum


Due to the ever increasing need of qualified and professional personnel in the industrial world, methods of practical and professional training need to be utilized to help university student development. Together Tamkang University and China Airlines have cooperated to promote the “Civil Aviation Program.” On the 20th of May President Flora Chia-I Chang (fourth on the left) and Chairperson of the Board of China Airlines, Huang-Hsiang Sun (fourth on the right), came together to sign an agreement with the aim of cultivating professional aviation skills through the Civil Aviation Program. Tamkang University is the only junior college in Taiwan to have established such a relationship with China Airlines.(Article written by Qi Zhuo, Picture provided by Wen-xing Ping)

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  • 更新日期:2024/10/6 下午 10:41:35
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