In addition to the conventional commencement, in which only the representatives receive the diplomas, most TKU departments hold original graduation ceremonies today (June 5, 2004) to make every graduate not only receive his or her diploma from the hands of teacher but also earn the best wishes from the school community.
Five departments from College of Management (Departments of Statistics, Information Management, Transportation Management, Public Administration, and Management Sciences and Decision-Making, as well as the Research Center for Management Systems) hold their memorable graduation ceremonies. Prof. Lii Peirchyi, chair of Department of Management Sciences and Decision-Making and head of the Research Center for Management Systems, remarks that it is a tradition of the department to hold an individual ceremony, and that it is especially valuable for the parents who come from central and southern Taiwan to share their children’s precious moment--award giving, diploma reception, speeches by teachers, junior students, graduates, and the culminating ritual of moving the tendril of graduation hat. In the individual show, Department of Public Administration holds a photo retrospect for their 100 graduates and some graduate students. Departments of Statistics hold a tea party for their graduates and distribute a “forget-me-not interviews” CD Rom to every participant. Locations: Dept. of Statistics—E680; Dept. of Transportation Management—Chungcheng Hall, Chemistry Building; Dept. of Public Administration—C013; Dept. of Management Sciences and Decision-Making—G315; Dept. of Information Management—B712 and B713.
Department of Architecture holds an individual graduation ceremony outside TKU campus, at Shih-shih-nan Village, Hsinyi District, Taipei. In addition to static design exhibit by the graduates and undergraduates, there are fascinating activities, including a Rap Peking Opera and a graduation address in eight languages.
A group of freshmen and sophomores convert a Peking Opera tune and rap it with descriptions of university life. The result is a rhythmic story of the process of becoming a university graduate. The graduation address is alternated in eight languages (Chinese, Taiwanese, Hakka, English, French, Spanish, and Italian) and accompanied with slides of TKU life images. On the other hand the undergraduates’ “missing-you” speech is seasoned with the DOA students’ musical talent, such as the play of piano, guitar, trumpet, and violin.
In DOA’s static exhibit, you will witness the dreams and tracks of life of the future architects through their models and designs on paper—such as “The Secrets of the Playing Cards (Tatung District, Taipei City),” “A Tale of Two Cities (Hsinchu City), ” “A Journey to the West (Paris),” “Traveling between Pinghsi and Chingtung (Pingshi, and Chingtung, Yilan County).” DOA undergraduates co-exhibit their achievement with their school seniors with works such as “Installment of Sitting,” “Tamsui Old Street Housing,” “Tamsui Ferry,” and “Library of Taipei Municipal Fine Arts Museum.” There is also a slide show of snapshots of TKU lives, which are accompanied with humorous narration.
Dept. of Mathematics hold their singular graduation ceremony on one P.M. today (June 5) at S215. Beside the addresses by Chair Prof. Chien Chuan-jen, drillmaster, and professors of the department and the graduate and undergraduate speeches, there is a slide retrospection show. The coda of the ceremony is to take a joint photograph in front of the Science Building.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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