【Kai-jun Lin, Tamsui Campus Report】The Office of International and Cross Strait Affairs (OICSA) held the “2016 Tamkang World Forum for Youth Leaders” from Jan. 19-22. This year’s forum was themed Prospects of the World: Meeting Challenges with Vision. In attendance was Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, Director of the OICSA, Pei-wha ChiLee, Dean of the College of Science, Zi-cong Zhou, Dean of the College of Engineering, Chii-dong Ho and Dean of the College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Hsiao-chuan Chen.
There was a total of 13 students of universities of different countries that gathered to discuss issues regarding the global economy, world peace, global warming, world culture and society, and global politics. Wan-chin Tai expressed, “This is the third year to hold this forum and we’ve invited sister schools from abroad to participate in an exchange with local students to stimulate a wider range of understanding on global issues. The modern generation is faced with many trials and through this exchange, I hope to prepare students to create a better future.”
Third-year student of the Department of German, Xiao-pei Gu, shared, “This forum allowed me to gain a different viewpoint from students of various countries and learn of things I never considered before.”
UPDATE: 2016/02/25