【Xin-yu Wang, Tamsui Campus Report】For the development of more capable personnel for future industries involving aerospace, the Department of Aerospace Engineering held the 2016 Roundtable Meeting on Jan. 26. Director of the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Jing-min Tang, hosted the event; also in attendance was Supervisor of the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology, Chu-hsiang Chiou, Director of the Department of Aerospace Engineering of Cheng Kung University, Jin-xiang Zheng, Director of Aerospace Engineering of Feng Chia University, Bo-wen Huang and 12 TKU professors of the Department of Aerospace Engineering.
During the meeting, Professor Der-ming Ma gave a report emphasizing TKU’s Solar-powered Unmanned Drone program and developments in its progress. Professor Jing-min Tang discussed methods of cultivating personnel for the future of the related field while laying out university objectives. All of the various projects were discussed, aiming to collaborate and bring the ideas into fruition in the near future.
UPDATE: 2016/02/25