NO. 556


Theses written by TKU’s professors have won several awards this year. These Professors are Chen Chi-ming and Lin Yu-yi of Department of Civil Engineering, with their student, Yeh Bo-wen a graduate of the Department’s master program. They have won “2002 Thesis of Structural Engineering Awards” from the Chinese Association of Structural Engineering. The other Professor is Nieh Chien-chung of the Department of Banking and Finance, who has won “The Best Thesis Awards” from Taiwan Journal of Management. They will receive their prizes this Saturday, Dec. 13th at Howard International Center.

The thesis entitled “A Sectional Model Study on Flutter Characteristics of Cable-stayed Bridges” written by Professors Chen and Lin as well as their student Yeh was a product of tremendous hard work. By winning this award that is only given to one recipient per year, is a confirmation of their professionalism. Professor Chen explained that cable-stayed bridges operate similarly to other suspension bridges, for example, the one at the Fishermen’s Wharf in Tamsui. They are all made of steel cables that are subject to the influence of wind and air. Their thesis examines exactly this phenomenon by simulation and calculation in order to evaluate the stability of bridges.

Professor Chen added that such technology still does not exist in Taiwan and the construction work involving this technology has still been conducted by foreign engineers so far. He believes that their thesis stood out due to its unique analysis, which in turn, proves that TKU’s wind tunnels lab is the only one in Taiwan that possesses this technology. Professor Lin is equally excited about the award. He sees it as a confirmation of their hard work and encouragement for further research. He and Professor Chen as well as Yeh received a Certificate for Best Structural Engineering Thesis, some medals and NT$ 10,000 for each.

The thesis that won Proffessor Nieh Chien-chung an award is entitled “The Study of the Macroeconomic Factors to Affect the Number of Inbound Visitors and Revenues”. It is an admirable achievement considering the fact that only 42 papers get selected among 300 plus theses submitted last year. The committee that selected his thesis included members such as Gao-chiang, President of National Chen-kung University and Hsu Shui-sheng, President of Da-yeh University together with other renowned scholars. Nieh’s thesis ranks number two in the category of quantitative research, making him one of the winners of “The Best Thesis Awards”. The organizer of the awards, Taiwan Journal of Management has won grants from National Science Council and is recognized by Taiwan’s TSCI index as the best periodical in that field.

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