NO. 556


Huang Jung-chun, Minister of MOE announced last week that MOE will budget a five-year NT$ 50 billion subsidy to promote projects at various faculties of higher education next year. In the light of this announcement, TKU Founder, Clement C.P. Chang and President Chang Horng-jinh requested that all related departments and institutes at TKU begin planning their research projects as early as possible so that they will meet this subsidy’s deadline. If they succeed, it will boost our university’s international standing.

The aim of the MOE’s incentive, according to Minister Huang, is to establish 15 outstanding departments or a trans-university integrated research center to be the Number One in Asia within five years. For another five years, it is hoped that through such an incentive, there will be at least one world top-ranked university in Taiwan. Those who have the potential to become such a university, he states, include 7 national universities: Tai-da, Chin-hwa, Chiao-tung Cheng-kung, Yang-ming, Chung-yang and Sun Yet-san. He also believes that private universities such as Chang-gung, Tamkang and Yuan-ze are also amongst the best contenders.

The MOE emphasizes that all national and private universities can apply and research on nanotechnology, bio-technology, electrical engineering, computer science, finance & banking, management and China studies will be given favorable consideration; and approval of their projects will be decided by an evaluative committee, set up by national and international scholars and experts.

President Chang maintains that there are already several research institutes at TKU engaging in research projects regularly and successfully. Nonetheless, he instructed the Deans of all colleges and related departments to outline their research orientation as early as possible so they can produce concrete plans in time. The departments and institutes he has in mind include: Wind Engineering Research Center (WERC), Center for Water Resources Management and Policy Research (CWRMPR), Nanotechnology Research Center, Life Science Development Center, Graduate Institute of Life Sciences and Graduate Institute of Chinese Linguistics and Documentation. As for departments, they are Chinese, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Engineering, Business Administration, Management Sciences and Decision Making, Banking and Finance, Public Administration, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical and Electro-mechanical Engineering.

Among those President Chang mentioned, WERC and CWRMPR are the best in their field in Taiwan and their directors support his wishes. For example, with the MOE’s incentive, Chen Chi-ming, the Director of WERC is determined to attract international renowned researchers to have joint-projects in order to raise its international profile and academic standing. Similarly, Yu Kwo-hsing, the Director of CWRMPR will focus on applying for the projects outsourced by governmental agencies. He believes that this incentive will certainly maximize its center’s research results. The expertise of his center, as he points out, is owed to TKU’s vision and untiring support in creating a conducive research environment.

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