A series of “career planning programs” is proceeding by Career Planning and Placement Section, Office of Student Affairs from November 24 through December 5; these programs will help students prepare for their graduate entrance exams, to study abroad, and to project their career plans by providing in-depth speeches and lectures on various topics.
This series of programs began with career planning seminars concerning topics such as structures of current industries, current job market, interview skills, and teacher qualification exams preparation, among many others. Lectures on the topic of graduate school entrance exams are being held on November 25, 28, and December 1. Lecturers are from cram schools specializing in various fields that include Humanities, Law, Business, Science, Technology, National Civil Exams, and Professional Licenses. Four lectures on study abroad will be on December 5, with an emphasis on countries including the United Sates, Australia, Japan and Britain. There also will be two lectures on the topics of “professional licenses” and “interview skills” at Taipei campus. Detailed information is posted on the lecture billboards of the Tamkang Times. Career Planning and Placement Section reminds students to prepare for their future sooner rather than later.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
CLICKS: 1195