趨勢巨流河 2024/11/25


1.()According to the contract, the order _____ last week but we haven’t received the commodities up to now.

(A) had better arrive (B) is about to arrive (C) can’t help arriving (D) should have arrived

2.()Tickets _____ the museum are good for two consecutive days — the day of your visit and the following day.

(A) in front of (B) to (C) ahead of (D) over

3.()Our company’s newly launched product has a hard time _____ with others.

(A) to compete (B) competition (C) competitive (D) competing

4.()_____ was no wonder that the director raised the objection since there were a lot of problems in the contract.

(A) There (B) It (C) As (D) Which

5.()All things _____, Sunrise Café decided not to sign the contract with Byte Genius.

(A) considering (B) having considered (C) considered (D) consider


1.【答案】(D), (D)表示「早就應該寄到了,到現在卻還沒有收到」。(A)是「最好抵達」;(B)是「即將抵達」;(C)是「忍不住抵達」。

2.【答案】(B),Tickets to = ~的門票。

3.【答案】(D),Have a hard time + v-ing = 有~的困難。

4.【答案】(B),句型:It is no wonder that + S + V = 難怪~。

5.【答案】(C),All things considered 是固定的片語,表示「考慮到所有的因素;總體來說」。

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NO.1198 | 更新時間: 2024/11/25 | 點閱: 131 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024/12/26 下午 11:52:54
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