第 740 期 圖片資訊 2009/02/16

Associate Director of Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center, Chang Ben-hang (left), Presidential Secretary-General Chan Chun-po (second left), Minister of Council for Cultural Affairs Huang Pi-twan (center), and TKU President Dr. Flora C. I. Chang (right), are seen writing calligraphy during a Calligraphy Displaying in front of the Presidential Office Building on February 8, 2009.

Associate Director of Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center, Chang Ben-hang (left), Presidential Secretary-General Chan Chun-po (second left), Minister of Council for Cultural Affairs Huang Pi-twan (center), and TKU President Dr. Flora C. I. Chang (right), are seen writing calligraphy during a Calligraphy Displaying in front of the Presidential Office Building on February 8, 2009.

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  • 更新日期:2025/1/1 上午 12:22:06
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