第 923 期 圖片資訊 2014/03/10

破除性別成見 張校長挺身創造影響力
TKU Gathers for International Women’s Day


The 2014 International Women’s Day Took place on March 4th. President Flora Chia-I Chang (third on the right) hosted and invited Dean of Academic Affairs, Chih-en Ko (second on the right), Office of the Dean, Sheue-fang Song (Second on the left) Dean of the Office of Physical Education, Shu-feng Hsiao (fourth on the right), Executive Director of EMBA, Chiang-feng Lin (first on the left), Director of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,Hui-Huang Hsu (first on the right) for a discussion. (Picture taken by Guo Zhen Wu)

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  • 更新日期:2024/10/6 下午 07:49:36
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