第 918 期 圖片資訊 2014/01/06

元旦揮毫 馬.郝.張炳煌 宣揚正體漢字
President Ma Ying Jiu Attends the Chinese Character Festival


January 1st, Taipei City Government’s Department of Cultural Affairs held the ninth annual Chinese Character Festival at Agoda Hotel. Mayor of Taipei , Longbin Hao (First on the left) invited 130 calligraphy artists, President Ma Ying Jiu (First on the Right), and Director of Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center, Ben-hang Chang (Second on the Right). (Picture provided by Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center)

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  • 更新日期:2024/12/28 下午 07:16:49
  • 線上人數:39