本校推廣教育處華語中心開辦華語課程,教育部國際司簡任秘書廖苡亘 (左起)、高等教育國際合作基金會副執行長關芳芳、本校國際副校長陳小雀與AIT代理文化新聞組組長Harvey Sernovitz、Fullbright學術交流基金會執行長那原道和外交部北美司陳信維合影。(圖/華語中心提供)
The Chinese Language Center of Tamkang University's Continuing Education Office has launched Chinese language courses. In the photo (from left to right) are Yi-Ken Liao, First Secretary in the Department of International and Cross-strait Education, Ministry of Education; Dr. Fang-Fang, Deputy Executive Director of the Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan; Dr. Hsiao-Chuan Chen , Vice President for International Affairs at Tamkang University; Harvey Sernovitz, AIT Acting Public Diplomacy Section Chief; Dr. Randall Nadeau, Executive Director of the Fulbright Taiwan Foundation for Scholarly Exchange; and Hsin-Wei Chen from the Department of North American Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.