第 1182 期 圖片資訊

助工學院發展航太科研 江誠榮獲贈火箭模型
In Appreciation of Chen-Rong Chian's Donation to Research, Aerospace Department Gifts Rocket Model

工學院院長李宗翰(左二)率航空太空工程學系主任蕭富元(左一)於4 月23日專程前往台旭環境科技中心,將火箭模型及感謝狀致贈菁英會會長江誠榮(左三),感謝江會長去年至今年慨捐70萬作為本校火箭、無人機研發經費,助我發展航太科研。(圖/航太系提供)

On April 23, Dean Tzung-Hang Lee (second from left) of the College of Engineering, accompanied by Chair Fu-Yuen Hsiao (first from left) of the Department of Aerospace Engineering, made a special visit to the Taiwan-Asahi Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. They presented a rocket model and a certificate of appreciation to TKU Elite Club President Chen-Rong Chian (third from left), expressing gratitude for his generous donation of 700,000 NT dollars from last year to this year, which supported the research and development funds for rockets and drones at Tamkang University, aiding in the advancement of aerospace research.

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