第 1181 期 圖片資訊

"Painted Hopeful” Wins Gold Award for Short Documentary at Worldfest Houston International Film Festival, Chia-Huai Li Receives International Recognition Again


Chia-Huai Li (right) with producer, cinematographer, and post-production editor Ying-Peng Liao, protagonist Ying-Chie Huang, and Min-Yu Chen at the Ching Shui Bay Picture Book Museum in Taichung, participating in the wrap-up of “Painted Hopeful.”

2.41 MB , 3456 * 2032 | 點閱:80 | 申請圖片 | 分類:學生得獎

  • 版權所有:淡江時報社
  • 電話:02-26250584
  • 傳真:02-26214169
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  • 管理者:潘劭愷 / 建置單位:淡江大學資訊處
  • 更新日期:2024/7/3 上午 11:54:11
  • 線上人數:6