第 1180 期 圖片資訊

Formosa Scholarship Donor Visits President at School

Guillermo Petri(中)偕妻兒,由師長陪同參觀校園,右起校友處執行長彭春陽、西語系主任劉愛玲、外語學院院長吳萬寶,左一為校友李怡良。(攝影/揭維恆)

Guillermo Petri (middle), accompanied by his wife and child, visited the campus with teachers. From right to left: Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development Executive Director Chun-Young Perng; Chair of the Spanish Department, Dr. Ai-Ling Liou; Dean of the College of Foreign Languages and Literatures Dr. Wan-Bau Wu; and Alumnus Yiliang Li.

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  • 更新日期:2024/12/27 下午 08:04:56
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