第 1177 期 圖片資訊 2024/02/19

理工AI學院聯手 量子計算中心承接百萬專案
Colleges of Science, Engineering, and Artificial Innovative Intelligence Join Forces, the Quantum Computing Center Undertakes a Million-dollar Project

金鷹校友翰可國際董事長陳洋淵(左)與工學院、AI創智學院院長李宗翰於簽約後合影。(圖/ 量子計算中心提供)

After signing the contract, Chairman Andy Chen of Skywentex International, an alumnus of Tamkang University (left), poses for a photo with Dean Tzung-Hang Lee of the Colleges of Engineering and AI Innovative Intelligence.

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  • 更新日期:2024/7/3 上午 11:54:11
  • 線上人數:15