第 1176 期 圖片資訊

Economics Panda Speaker, Stanford Professor Matthew O. Jackson: Interpersonal Interactions Influence Consumption & Communication

雙方交換錦旗,由左至右為經濟系教授林彥伶、史丹佛大學經濟系主任 Matthew O. Jackson、經濟系主任陳炤良和助理教授林朕陞。(攝影/陳奕良)

Both sides exchanged banners, from left to right: Professor Yen-Ling Lin of the Economics Department, Professor Matthew O. Jackson, Chair of the Economics Department at Stanford University, Chair Chao-Liang Chen of the Economics Department, and Assistant Professor Chen-Sheng Lin.

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  • 更新日期:2024/7/4 下午 03:25:38
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