啟動全臺首創Microsoft Base@新東門數位培力示範場域,由董事長張家宜(右三)、校長葛煥昭(右二)、東華大學校長趙涵捷(右一)、數位發展部數位產業署署長呂正華(左二)和台灣微軟公共業務事業群總經理陳守正共同啟動揭牌。(攝影/黃國暉)
The inauguration of the first Microsoft Base in Taiwan @ New East Gate Digital Empowerment Demonstration Field was officiated by Chairperson Flora Chia-I Chang (third from the right), President Huan-Chao Keh (second from the right), President of National Dong Hwa University Han-Chieh Chao (first from the right), Director General of the Administration for Digital Industries Jang-Hwa Leu (second from the left), and General Manager of Microsoft's Public Sector Business Group in Taiwan, Danny Chen. They jointly unveiled the plaque for the initiative.