NO. 1164

Commemorating the 5th Anniversary of the Passing of Founder Clement Chang, ESG and Campus Sustainability Governance Symposium: Remembering the Founder, Laying the Foundation for TQM, and Promoting a New TKU

The Office of Quality Assurance and Audit, the Center for Sustainable Development and Social Innovation (SDSI), and the Chueh-Sheng Memorial Library jointly organized the "Commemorating the 5th Anniversary of the Passing of Founder Clement Chang, ESG and Campus Sustainability Governance Symposium" on May 25th in the Chang Yeo Lan International Conference Hall of Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center. The event was attended by President Huan-Chao Ken, Chairperson Flora Chia-I Chang, 3 vice presidents, first and second-level supervisors, faculty and staff, external guests including Speaker Hsi-Chin Tai of Taipei City Council, and the President Rui-Yan Lu of the Chinese Society for Quality. More than 200 people participated in the event.

Chief Audit Executive Der-Wen Chang first explained that the symposium is the 4th event in the serial celebration of the university's 30 years of promoting TQM. The aim is to assist faculty and staff in understanding the organizational culture of TQM through 4 keynote speeches and 2 forums. This not only serves as the foundation for the university's promotion of "Environmental Sustainability," "Social Prosperity," and "Campus Governance" but also ensures the key to success. He further mentioned that the university's Three Objectives of Education and TQM were advocated by Founder Clement Chang. Among them, the concept of "Future-Oriented Education" is closely related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Through the promotion videos of Future-Oriented Education by the university, we aim to commemorate his visionary leadership on the eve of the fifth anniversary of his passing.

Chairperson Chang, in her speech, not only highlighted the journey of Founder Clement Chang's promotion of future-oriented initiatives but also explained that when Tamkang University began promoting TQM 30 years ago, it had already integrated the concepts of ESG -- environmental assurance, social service, and sustainability on a macro level. She further emphasized that in the future, the university will continue to make sustainable progress through the collective efforts of all faculty and staff. By combining comprehensive quality management with ESG and the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle along with the ∞, the university will strive together for Tamkang's sustainable advancement.

President Keh particularly emphasized that in recent years, our university has embraced the vision of "AI+SDGs=∞" for school affairs development, which has led to numerous innovative and transformative measures. These achievements can be attributed to the Founder Chang's advocacy of TQM and its implementation across various units, which laid a solid foundation. President Keh encouraged everyone to continue adhering to the original intention of TQM and leveraging the use of intelligent technologies to assist Tamkang University in advancing towards the goal of "AI+ESG=∞".

Mr. Lu was deeply moved by Tamkang University's continuous promotion of TQM to enhance quality. He expressed admiration for Founder Clement Chang's Three Objectives of Education and the governing principles of TQM. He encouraged colleagues to learn more about Founder Chang's contributions and follow in his footsteps by continuously innovating, thus enabling Tamkang University to reach new heights.

As an alumnus of the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies at our university, Mr. Tai expressed his gratitude to Tamkang for providing him with an opportunity to transform his life. It was through his graduate studies that he entered the political arena, and he feels fortunate to serve as the Speaker of the Taipei City Council as a Tamkangian originated from Yilan. He believes that both urban governance and university governance require the concept of ESG. He hopes that he and all Tamkang alumni can follow in the footsteps of the Founder and "realize the future”.

The keynote speeches were hosted by Dr. Kuo-Hua Chen, Dean of the College of Education, and Dr. Li-Ren Yang, Dean of the College of Business and Management. They introduced the speakers, including Dr. Si-Hua Wu, professor of the Institute of Technology Management and Intellectual Property at National Chengchi University, Dr. Hsin-Cheng Yeh, professor of the Graduate Institute of Environmental Education at National Taiwan Normal University, Dr. Yong-Shuen Shen, Secretary-General of Mackay Medical College, and Dr. Hui-Huang Hsu, Vice President for Academic Affairs of our university. The topics covered were "From TQM to ESG: Embracing the Era of AI Humanities Sustainability in Higher Education Innovation," "The Journey of Sustainability: The Context of Sustainable Development and Climate Change," "Benchmarking and Success Factors of ESG Sustainable Governance in Universities," and "Building a Cloud-based Sustainable University City: Value Creation of Tamkang University's Second Phase of the USR Project." The speeches highlighted how the role of universities is changing in response to the environment and emphasized that through TQM, universities can adapt to continuous changes and embrace the era of AI humanities sustainability in higher education innovation. Regarding the integration of digital transformation and sustainable goals into campus development and governance, as well as the realization and creation of the university's social responsibility value, these are currently the primary directions for consideration.

The first forum in the afternoon was hosted by Dr. Ruey-Shiang Shaw, Dean of General Affairs, followed by an introduction by Dr. Chi-Wang Lee, Chief of the Zero Carbon Emissions Section at SDSI. They invited Bo-Yu Su, Chief of the School Construction and Environmental Education Division at the Education Department, New Taipei City, Ms. Pei-Chi Chen, Headmaster of Xinshi Elementary School, Ms. Hui-Hwa Wu, Headmaster of Danshui Elementary School, and Mr. Ying-Chun Su, Headmaster of Wenhua Elementary School, to discuss the topic of "Ecological Campus and Sustainable City." The second forum was moderated by Dr. Sheue-Fang Song, Dean of the Chueh-Sheng Memorial Library, with an introduction by Dr. Rui-Mao Huang, Chief of the Social Practice Section at SDSI. They also invited Mr. Arthur Tsung-Jen, Executive of Danshui District, Ms. Li-ling Huang, Curator of Danshui Historical Museum, Ms. Ching Fan, Deputy Director of Danshui Community College, and Ms. Ya-Mei Ou, Headmaster of Pingding Elementary School, to discuss the topic of "Local Learning and Social Governance," focusing on topics such as the design and promotion of "Sustainability Power" education, "Resource Linkage and Co-creation in Danshui," and university social responsibility. They shared and exchanged ideas in these areas. The venue also featured the magazine "Tomorrow's World," (《明日世界》) which reviewed and explored the theme of sustainability, highlighting the founder's wisdom and vision for the development of higher education. Through collaborative learning, the participants hoped to maximize the benefits of the seminar and achieve mutual benefits. Detailed coverage of the event will be reported in the 1166th issue of our newspaper through multiple sections.


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