NO. 1164

11th Departmental Development Incentive Award Final: Contest among 10 Departments with Distinctive Features

The final of the 11th Departmental Development Incentive Award was held on May 17th in meeting rooms HC305 and HC306. The President, Dr. Huan-Chao Keh, presided over the event, with 3 Vice Presidents and relevant first-level supervisors in attendance. The evaluation committee was convened by President Keh, and it included the participation of 3 Vice Presidents, as well as the President of National Taipei University of Business, Prof. Lichung Jen, President of Longhua University of Science and Technology, Dr. Tzu-Hsiang Ko, President of Tamkang University Alumni Association Headquarters of Departments alumni, Mr. Tzu-Hwa Chuang, President of Tamkang University Alumni Association Headquarters, Dr. Lawrence Lin, Associate Professor Shan-Pei Yin from the Department of Chinese Literature, Professor Ruey-Chyn Tsaur from the Department of Management Sciences, Professor Chao-Hung Du from the Department of Physics, and Associate Professor Shwu-Yann Su from the Department of Russian.

President Keh mentioned in his speech that 3 departments tied in the preliminary review of the departmental development awards. Therefore, a total of 10 departments have entered the final review. He hoped that everyone seize this opportunity to strive for the rewards and also complete the progress reports within the specified time. Then, the 10 departments that have qualified for the final review gave a 12-minute presentation and shared their achievements and future plans in 5 main categories: "Teaching," "Research," "Admissions," "Fundraising," and "Overall." The evaluation results will be announced after approval and the awards will be presented during the 89th School Affairs Meeting on June 2nd.

The Department of Architecture emphasized a comprehensive teaching model and aimed to enhance the competitiveness of graduates in the workplace by closely connecting and collaborating with local and international partners through USR projects, as well as actively planning to integrate the expertise of AI and sustainability to continuously improve the students' professional skills. The Department of Japanese utilized a teacher professional community to enhance teaching quality. They combined the opportunities of studying abroad in the third year and internships in companies to enhance students' international perspectives and workplace capabilities. They have been dedicated to exploring innovative fields in AI education. The Department of Statistics combined high-quality faculty, diverse and international learning experiences, and a mentorship program with industry professionals to strengthen students' workplace foundations. They also enhanced connections with high schools to increase students' willingness to enroll and strengthen alumni networks to support the sustainable growth of the department. The Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering emphasized the close integration of "students," "faculty," and "alumni." They continuously optimized teaching, research, and industry-academia cooperation to facilitate students' graduation and employment, enhance faculty's research capabilities, and receive support and feedback from alumni, contributing to the growth of the department. The School of Strategic Studies continued to cultivate talents in "international political and economic decision-making," "national security strategic planning," and "national security intelligence analysis" through its distinctive features of "professional," "advanced," and "in-depth" education. In the future, they will also integrate AI into curriculum innovation, keeping pace with the times. They expect the "strategic family" to work together and grow collectively.

The Department of Banking and Finance was committed to enhancing students' diverse abilities through the three-pronged approach of "certifications," "internships," and "international exchanges." They aimed to increase academic visibility by hiring excellent faculty and organizing Clement and Carrie Chair lectures. The Department of Educational Technology continued to promote students' diverse learning and teachers' research capabilities. They integrated AI and educational technology to facilitate rapid development of teaching materials and cultivate more digital content and educational training talents. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering continued to strengthen industry-academia cooperation and provide guidance for internships in collaboration with companies, and maintain close connections with alumni to form a competitive ecosystem in the workplace, utilizing their advantages and resources. The Department of Aerospace Engineering recently became the only private university in the country to possess both in-house rocket manufacturing and launching capabilities. As a department that combines AI, sustainability, and aerospace, they will continue to deepen their unique features, strengthen industry-academia cooperation, and explore infinite possibilities with their faculty, students, and alumni. The Graduate Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling adhered to the six principles of total quality management (TQM) and continuously improved teaching, research, admissions, and fundraising through the PDCA cycle. They enhanced the social contributions of faculty, students, and alumni through diverse, innovative, and collaborative approaches.


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