On May 17, the balmy evening air of TKU Tamsui campus became cozier and friendlier, as it was filled with laughs and cheers set off by Miss Mitsushita Harumi and Miss Nakagawa Miho, two exchange students from Reitaku University, Japan, who were hosting a yearly burlesque show called "The Reitaku Night”.
They were two naturally born clowns, and their solid command of Mandarin, however, sometimes still gave away signs that they are just Japanese nationals.
Their language achievement was touted by Dr. Flora C.I. Chang, VP for Administrative Affairs, TKU, “I cannot help remembering when they first came, their Chinese was so shaky, but now---
Now came the best part of the show: a skit show entitled “Have You ever Cheated in the Exam?” starring Mark, Helene, Takahasi and Hsieh Pei-yun. The skit was actually a burlesque. According to the scenario, the actors threw a long fishing line with the bait (the so-called “written answer” hsiao chao) tied at the end; they also stretched their arms imitating a big bird extending its wings, or shaking their fannies signaling the answers to be an A or a B, etc. They even satirized the cheating situation by bribing the proctor with a cup of coffee tampered with laxatives; so when the professor is away doing his business, they could accomplish their mission impossible in the classroom, etc.
Then came the climax of the burlesque when Mark stepped down from the stage and asked Prof. Liu Chang-hwei, Chair, Department of Japanese, a blunt question, “I heard TKU is a hot bed for giving birth to many cheating worms, is it true?” To this foolhardy question, Prof. Liu’s answer was rather sober, “I should say it isn’t.”
Then Mark shifted his attention from the Chair to Dr. Flora C.I. Chang, our VP for Administrative Affairs, “Have you, Dr. Chang, ever tried cheating while you were still a student?”
When Dr. Chang answered rather politely, “I should say I’ve never tried before.” the whole audience burst into a big laugh and clapping of hands.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
CLICKS: 1363