An Academic Affairs Administration Meeting held last Wednesday (May 15) had passed many resolutions including institutes’ name change, etc.
According to Office of Academic Affairs, Pres. Chang Horng-jinh had instructed in the 7th Student Recruiting Meeting that to accommodate the Globalization objective of TKU, English is to become a required examination item in 2003 graduate institute’s matriculation. It is an across-the-board regulation, meaning no institute can be excused from such a rule. For instance, English test used to be exempt from such institutes as Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Water Resources & Environmental Protection, Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Banking & Finance, Insurance, Accounting, Statistics and China Studies, but it will be reinstated as of 2003. Again, Institutes of Chinese, European Studies and Russian had originally designated English as optional in their examination; they will have to conform to this rule, too. But the percentage of this subject in the bottom-line is left to the discretion of each institute.
As for the name change of 4 institutes, they are specified as follows: the Section of Control System in the Institute of Electrical Engineering will henceforth (since 2003) become the Section of Control IC and Systems; The Chemical Engineering Department will be Department of Chemical and Material Engineering. The Section of Chemistry will take the new name of the Section of Chemistry and Biochemistry as of 2003; The Section of Applied Chemistry will become The Section of Material Chemistry.
The last name change occurs in College of Business and Management: their High-ranking Administrator’s Management Master’s Program will be In-Service Master’s Training Program for Business Management in the Institute of Management Science.
The name change will not be finalized until after it has been approved and sanctioned by Ministry of Education.
In the meeting, a decision has been made to shorten the 5-year Continuing Education Bachelor’s program into 4 years. According to Ms. Lee Ling, Secretary of Academic Affairs, this change is in conformity with the comparable programs implemented in other universities. The courses will be scheduled in the evenings on the 5 workdays and the whole day on Saturday.
The meeting has also decided upon the Chinese/English certificate format for the 2-year In-Service Training Program of College of Technology and other minor changes in regard to Institutes of China Studies and Japanese Studies, etc.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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