President Chang set off his official visit to the sister universities and TKU’s alumni in Europe and the U.S. on June 14 and is scheduled to return on July 5. His itinerary includes the attendance of the 30th anniversary of the Universite of Jean Moulin Lyon 3 in France on the 18 and 19 of June and the guest of honors at the inauguration ceremony for the president of the Overseas Alumni Association based in Austria on 15 of June together with his other trips that involve meeting with local TKU alumni on various dates in both Europe and the US.
The President’s European trip is accompanied by his wife and Wu Xi-der, Associate Professor from the French Department. First they will arrive at Austria attending the inauguration ceremony for the new president of the Alumni Association on June 15. The new president is Fang Der-an, a graduate from the German Department in 1980, who is presently the Director of the Economics Section at the Taipei Representative Office in Austria. After the ceremony, President and his entourage will proceed to Universite of Jean Moulin Lyon 3 for a series of activities commemorating its 30th anniversary. They will return to Taiwan on June 22.
However, President Chang will depart immediately for the US on June 25 with Chen Ming-nan, the Director of the Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development. This trip is mainly to visit TKU alumni and their associations that are on the West and East Coast as well as in the South of US.
The alumni associations he will be visiting include those in Southern California, San Antonia, Huston, New York, D.C., and San Francisco.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
CLICKS: 1315