2004 University Kendo Championships Cup organized by the Ministry of Education was held in Taoyuan County Chin-Hsi Junior High School on May 22 and 23, attracting 42 universities and colleges from all over the island. TKU’s Kendo team continued its winning streak since the Fu Jen Kendo Cup, has brought back one gold, two silver medals and two number six. The overall performance of both men’s and ladies’ teams combined was indeed very satisfactory.
In the sanbon shoubu (3 point matches) team event category on the first day, both men’s and ladies’ teams had to face their counterparts from Cheng Chi University on several occasions. The ladies’ team beat Cheng Chi in all encounters and with their other win against Cheng Kung University, they won a gold medal. The men’s team was less fortunate even though it beat Cheng Chi in the first round, it still lost in the final. In the league format knockout matches on the second day of the competition, the men’s team, despite its win against Cheng Chi and Yun Lin Institute of Technology, lost to the Kai Nan University in the champion match due to the opponent’s brilliant team member, Sung Shu-kuei, a 6th dan holder. Nonetheless, the men’s team did not lose without putting on a good fight. Twice, the team brought the results to a tie at the enchou (extension); yet, unfortunately, the men’s team had to settle for the silver medal. As for the women’s side, despite the outstanding performance from the jiho (the second contestant in a team match), Hou Yu-juan, a senior of the Accounting Department, the team became exhausted after several long and thrilling matches. Consequently, they lost to Cheng Chi University, winning the silver medal too.
The individual event, both Liang Shi-Xin of Department of Chemical and Material Engineering in the male individual category and Hou Yu-juan in the female category, won the 6th place out of 261 and 74 contestants respectively. Hou showed her ‘sportsmanship’ by praising Liang’s achievement as he has merely two years of training. His result after such a short time in Kendo’s term is impressive.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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