Tamkang will bring the Ketagalan Institute style courses to its Taipei campus in September by offering a series of CEO lectures. These courses are designed to cater for the needs of the staff at the first-tier management of various enterprises in Taiwan. The speakers will include eminent and successful CEOs of renowned corporations, university scholars, and government officials. Their lectures will provide great opportunity for any managers who intend to stay at the pinnacle of their businesses.
TKU Founder, Clement C.P. Chang, supervised the overall operation, whereas the President Chang Horng-jinh was in charge of the planning, and Chen Ding-guo, the Dean of the College of Management, designed the contents of the courses. They have managed to condense a program that usually takes five years to complete (which is equivalent to a doctoral degree in Business Management) into a 200 hours Saturday lecture series. The speakers that have accepted to give lectures are the Chairperson, Chang Zhong-muo of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company; the Chairperson, Gao Ching-yuan of the Allianz Group, Taiwan; the founder of Commonwealth Publishing Group, Gao Xie-jun; former Chairperson of the Mainland Affairs Council, Shu Chi; the professor of the Department of Banking and Finance of the National Taiwan University, Lee Zai-xiu and an experienced mass media expert, Hu Zhong-Xin.
Participants should anticipate a high standard of teaching for six hours every Saturday starting at 1:30 p.m. that cover most up-to-date knowledge in distribution, sales, production, R&D, human resources, finance, accounting, information technology and management. Apart from learning, this program also provides an invaluable networking opportunity for people from various backgrounds to meet and exchange ideas. All attendees will receive an advanced CEO continuing education certificate. The fee for the entire program is NT$ 120,000. For further information, please contact the Taipei Campus directly.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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