NO. 939

New Language Online Training Facilities at TKU

【Reported by Bo-jun Zhuang, Tamkang Times】The College of Foreign Languages and Literature is increasing students’ professional capabilities by installing new language training programs. These audio programs can be found in rooms T309, T408, T502 and T406. They will assist students and let them hear different languages while in class, increasing their interpreting skills and reaction time.

Dean of the College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Hsi-deh Wu, expressed, “It’s very rare to have such handy equipment to help students with speaking, reading and writing in a junior college. Not only will this help them with their language ability, it will help them get an early understanding of language translation skills. These items are also very useful for assisting students with a casual conversation. It acts like a personal tutor that lets students stay ahead of the game.”

In addition, students wanted to know if the College of Liberal Arts would soon have an elevator installed. Director of the Office of General Affairs’ Energy Conservation and Space Section, Yu-san Chiang, answered, “The College of Liberal Arts was established in 1978. It is very old and in order to install the needed precautions for safety including disabled persons, there must first be a thorough inspection.”


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