【Reported by Ya-han Cao, Tamkang Times】The Office of Academic Affairs held an information meeting to discuss the details of the Tamkang University’s Honor Roll Program on September 16th and there were over 100 individuals in attendance. The meeting gave students an opportunity to understand how to register for the elite academic program. The meeting was hosted by Vice President of Academic Affairs, Huan-chao Keh, and Lanyang Campus also attended via video conference.
Huan-chao Keh explained that the Honor Roll Program was designed to reward students for diligence while encouraging excellence. It also improves competitive ability for the future when students enter into the career world. He also mentioned that the program itself is very competitive and only the top 10 percent of first year students will be selected. Huan-chao Keh stated, “If you accept this challenge, it will not only benefit your research and studies here at TKU, it will also prove valuable for your future career.” First year student of the Department of Information and Library Science, Rou-jun Chen, stated, “After attending this meeting, the Honor Roll Program really got my attention.”
UPDATE: 2014/10/01