【Reported by Ya-ting Li, Jing-ya Su, Tamkang Times】The College of Foreign Languages and Literature established a “Translation Center,” that will officially begin at the start of the school year. Dean of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Hsi-deh Wu, stated, “This project is designed to showcase the specialty of Tamkang University regarding foreign language resources by sharing research and increasing academic cooperation.”
The College of Foreign Languages and Literature is offering six professional translations courses for six different languages through an industry-academic program. This program is designed to give students an extra edge in the competitive career world while increasing their market value. This program will undergo three parts before reaching completion: finishing the translation of all 6 courses and related curriculum, the creation of a curriculum involving speaking the language of tourism, and the a collaboration of written articles about tourism for a translation curriculum.
In regards of the industry-academic part of the program, career data will be collected by the teachers of each course. Hsi-deh Wu stated, “Six different translation groups will be created with information filed for registered students. Later this information can be found in Tamkang University’s publication of “Western Classic Translations.” Currently this academic-industry program is working together with Linguitronics, Inventec Group and Dr. eye. Hsi-deh Wu expressed, “In the future Tamkang University will be able to pool together resources with these enterprises to assist each other in many areas.
UPDATE: 2014/02/20