NO. 908

The Elite Dream to Reality Forum

【Reported by Yi-feng Lu, Tamkang Times】The Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section added a new event for student groups on November 1st titled, “The Elite Dream to Reality Forum.” It was hosted by Dean of Student Affairs, Chih-en Ko, who invited the Chairman of the Educational Society for Student Organizations, Tung-miao Chang. The theme of the event will be to take a look at the student groups from the point of view of a developing enterprise. Chief of Student Affairs of Feng Chia University, Hsin-nan Chien, will explain to the different participating student organizations the reality of sales and management. The discussion will compare student groups to social services, local care programs, and creative sales. This discussion is designed to help the aim of student organizations to become more practical so that the bridge of academic knowledge and the career world can be established early. For more information please see link:



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