On Oct 28, high school students from Annecy City in France visited the TKU Tamsui Campus. They were received by students in the TKU Department of French, who not only provided a description of local Tamkang and Tamsui culture, but even prepared a local Tamsui delicacy – fish crisps. After her first mouthful, high school student, Capucine, exclaimed in Chinese “Hao Chi” (“It’s delicious!”).
TKU French students also organized a tour of the campus for the visitors. Their introduction of the campus was delivered mainly in French; but at times, tour guides’ French vocabulary failed them, and they reverted to using English, which drew laughter and smiles from the lively group. As they reached the Chinese palace-style classrooms and Chueh Sheng Gardens, visiting student Mathilde said that she had never seen such architecture before, adding “It’s so beautiful”.
TKU first year French student, Lin Yin-xuan, said that thanks to this event, she now has a deeper understanding of French culture, and “really wants to go to France to experience the culture first hand”. Meanwhile, second year French student, Wei Mei-qi, conceded that “Although they kept saying our French is really good, after this experience, I’ve realized that there’s plenty of room for improvement”.
UPDATE: 2010/12/17
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