Ph.D Student Hsu Cheng-kuei is awarded with “The Best Student Paper” for his paper, which is directed by Dr. Feng Chao-kang, Vice President of cademic Affairs, and Professor Yang Lung-Jieh, in the “Asia Pacific Conference on Transducers & Micro-Nano Technology” (APCOT 2006), in Singapore, in June, 2006.
Among the 452 papers of the participants from 20 countries, the committee of APCOT 2006 selects 10 best papers for the award. TKU is the only Taiwan school won the prize. In the international field of Nano technology, TKU outshines Taiwan University, Ching Hua University, and Chiao Tong University. ( ~ Chi-szu Chen )
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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