NO. 601


Having elected twelve new directors and supervisors at its fifth annual general meeting, the Women Staff Association of Tamkang University proceeded last Tuesday (March 15) to elect Professor Chao Ya-ly, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, as its new president, Dr. Huang Hong-chu, University Librarian, as vice president, and re-elect Dr. Chen Jui-chih of Department of Accounting as Chief Supervisor.

The Women Staff Association, since its establishment, has been headed by the present President of Tamkang University, Dr. Flora C. I. Chang. This year, however, has seen a major change in the leadership. President Chang said at the general meeting: “The new faces will bring new energy to the organization.” Among the twelve directors and supervisors, ten are newly elected to the posts: the two exceptions are Ms. Wang Di-yue (director), Director of Admissions Section of the Office of Academic Affairs, and Dr. Chen Jui-chih (supervisor), Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting.

Several coordinators were also elected at the Tuesday meeting: Prof. Sung Mei-hua, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, would coordinate academic affairs; Prof. Hsiao Shu-fen, Office of Physical Education, service and social activities; and Dr. Huang Man-chin, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Administration, treasury affairs. President Chao Ya-ly also appointed Ms. Chiou Jwu-lin, secretary of the Office of Student Affairs, as secretary general of the Women Staff Association. With the directors, supervisors, and coordinators now decided, President Chao said that the Association could now start organizing this year’s events and activities. (Hui-chuan Wang)

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