The Founder of Tamkang University, Dr. Clement C. P. Chang, has instructed that the Lanyang Campus must acquire the “Green Building” logo awarded to buildings in compliance with modern environmental standards. Application will be sent in early April to Chinese Architecture and Building Center for approval.
Director of Lanyang Campus’s Chiao-hsi Office, Tseng Chen-yuan, said that application would be made within three weeks after receiving the Building Use certificate (around August 15) so that the Green Building logo could be expected by November 15.
The architect in charge of the design of Lanyang Campus, Yu Hsien-teh, said that Green Building is assessed according to four categories of indices: ecology, energy saving, waste reduction, and health. These categories can be further divided into nine indicators: biodiversity, greenery, soil water content, daily energy saving, carbon dioxide emission reduction, waste reduction, indoor environment, water resource, and sewage and garbage improvement. To be awarded the Logo, the building has to pass at least four indicators, especially those of daily energy saving and water resource.
At present the Lanyang Campus is equipped to meet the requirements of daily energy saving and water resource indicators: the solar water-heating system, the waste processing plant, and the water processing plant are in place. Waste water, after being processed by the reclaimed water system, can be used to water the greenery. Over ten million dollars has been earmarked for facilities to meet the standards of the greenery indicator.
Director Tseng further pointed out that, because of Lanyang Campus’s location on Mt. Linmei and Yilan County’s rainy season, soil and water conservation is of utmost importance. To provide a safe and comfortable environment for teaching and learning, the buildings on Lanyang Campus have been designed to aim for nature, energy saving, environmental protection, and security. (Hui-chuan Wang)
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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