趨勢巨流河 2022/02/20



1. I _____ my letter now and I will call Tung-mei in a second.

(A) will finish (B) finish (C) am finishing (D) must have finished

2. Please let us know if we can be of any _____ during this service interruption.

(A) commission (B) assistance(C) inclination (D) expenditure

3.Hank is _____ because he has been working in the office for 10 hours.

(A) invigorated (B) patented (C) exhausted (D) unspoiled

4.The hierarchy _____ the company was complex.

(A) within (B) on (C) until (D) by

5. RCS members can _____ their concerns about another member breaching the RCS Code of Conduct by contacting Mr. Park.

(A) rally (B) reimburse (C) renovate (D) raise

6.In regard your inquiry, we are fully booked on Friday.

(A) to (B) above (C) over (D) concerning

7.Sarah’s office is too small for her filing cabinet _____ desk chair.

(A) and (B) thus (C) nor (D) also



2.【答案】(B),[片語] of any assistance = 提供協助。(A)佣金;(C)傾向;(D)消費、支出。




6.【答案】(A),[片語] in regard to =關於;inquiry=詢問。

7.【答案】(A),對等連接詞and連接filing cabinet跟desk chair。

NO.1137 | 更新時間: 2022/02/20 | 點閱: 859 | 下載:

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