趨勢巨流河 2018/12/03


● 文/英文系助理教授張淑芬



1.Church authorities decided to_demolish the building because it wasproving too costly to maintain.

(A) richly (B) completely (C) plentifully (D) defectively

2.The record Ms. Oh bought in the store kept , so she asked for a refund.

(A) skip (B) to skip (C) skipped (D) skipping

3.The ceiling of the Magnolia wedding chapel is painted with oil paints, ?

(A) haven’t they (B) wouldn’t it (C) wasn’t it (D) isn’t it

4.As with the rest of the industry, the future for gaming is online.

(A) entertain (B) entertained (C) entertainment (D) entertaining

5. In 2010, she left for San Francisco, she spent most of her career.

(A) who (B) what (C) when (D) where


1.解析:【答案】( B),選項都是副詞 。空格處應選擇修飾demolish動詞「拆除」的詞,因此從文意判斷是(B) completely「完全地;徹底地」。

2.解析:【答案】(D),本題考【keep +動名詞】的句型。keep動詞表示「繼續(做);重複(做)」,skip 「跳針」,本句表示 「Oh女士在這家店買的唱片會跳針,所以她要求退款。」


4. 解析:【答案】(C),本題考詞性。空格前方為冠詞the,後方為名詞 industry,可判斷空格需填名詞或形容詞,來修飾 industry。依照句意判斷,空格處表示「娛樂」產業,故選 (C) entertainment。(D) entertaining (adj.) 有娛樂效果的。填入此處與整體句意不合。

5.解析:【答案】(D),本題測驗關係副詞。空格前方為名詞San Francisco(先行詞),可判斷空格處需填入表地點的關係副詞。

NO.1078 | 更新時間: 2018/12/03 | 點閱: 1328 | 下載:

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