趨勢巨流河 2018/03/26




1.18. Many of the listeners surveyed said that they_with the station's programs.

(A) are satisfied (B) have satisfied

(C) were satisfied (D) have been satisfied

2.The committee is composed_doctors, academics and members of the public.

(A) in (B) of (C) up (D) from

3.Toilets in Japan are generally_elaborate than toilets in other developed nations.

(A) most (B) more (C) mostly(D) more than

4. On no_must employees make personal phone calls from the office.

(A) reason (B) excuse (C) cause (D) account

5.We own a candy company and_a variety of kinds of candy which are sold all over the world.

(A) consume (B) subsume (C) purchase

(D) manufacture

6.You will need to work more efficiently if you want to get this project_by the deadline.

(A) finish (B)to finish (C) finished (D) finished

7.If we can come up with enough money, there's a_chance (that) we can save the project.

(A) fight (B) fought (C) fighting (D) flight

8.A German company collaborated_a Swiss firm to develop the product.

(A) in (B) on (C) with (D) from

9.The beauty of air travel consists in its speed_ease. (A) neither (B) nor (C) and (D) either

10.If the flight_, the seminar will have to be postponed.

(A) cancels (B) is canceled (C) will cancel (D) will be canceled

11.The more often we work out, the_we'll stay fit. (A) easily (B) easier (C) easier than (D) more easily

NO.1062 | 更新時間: 2018/03/26 | 點閱: 1330 | 下載:

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