1. 首要規則the number one rule
2. 餐桌禮儀table manner
3. 噪音racket或noise
4. 麵條noodles,必須用複數,因為不只一根
5. 液體liquid
6. 固體solid
7. 氣體 gas
8. 物質三態the three states of matter
9. 令人討厭的annoying
10. 包括include
11. 結論conclude
12. 除外exclude
第一要遵守 的 基本餐桌禮節 is "quiet." You'll have to 提醒你自己不要 make a big 噪音 while eating. For example, don't make any noise while 吃麵 , drinking soup or any other 液體(飲料). 任何噪音 made from eating or drinking is 令人討厭 and 不禮貌, and this 包括 talking.
1. The number one rule
2. basic table manner
3. remind yourself not to
4. racket
5. while eating noodles
6. liquids
7. Any noise
8. annoying
9. impolite
10. includes
| 更新時間: 2018/03/30
| 點閱: 695
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