A list showing the faculty who have been awarded cash prize for doing excellent research work was announced by Academic Research & Screening Committee, TKU. Tamkang e-Times learned that under the First Research Category, out of a total of 140 applicants, including Pres. Chang Horng-jinh, 118 people were chosen. As for the Second Research Category, out of a total of 63 applicants, 28 faculties including Dr. Chen Kan-nan, Dean, College of Sciences, won such an honor.
For promoting teachers to engage wholeheartedly in academic research work, a 2nd category was set up this semester which stipulates that aside from NT$140,000. for professor, NT$120,000. for Associate Professor, NT$100,000. for Assistant Professor and NT$ 80,000. for Lecturer, an additional NT$30,000. for each person will be awarded to those who have produced at least a couple of papers at once (but for applicants, 3 will be the maximum number) and besides, the papers will have to meet the minimum international index standard such as AHCI, SSCI, SCI and EI. The gratifying fact is that despite its initial stage---the measures were only implemented this year---there were already 28 successful candidates with a total of 63 cases. This phenomenon fully illustrates the research prowess of TKU faculty!
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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