NO. 496

Department of Chemical Engineering, TKU, Will Celebrate Its 30th Anniversary on Saturday this Week

A series of events marking the 30th anniversary of Department of Chemical Engineering will be held between 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM on March 30 (Saturday). Celebrations vary from Exhibition, Symposium to Homecoming Party for DCE alumni/ae.

The Chemical Engineering Department was founded in 1971. In 1992, a Graduate Institute was spun off and last year a division conferring Ph.D.’s was set up.

The Department so far has produced more than 3,000 graduates. Counting their blessings, on the government side, there are Ms. Liu Shih-fang, a pushy and thoroughgoing ROC Legislator; Mr. Yen Ping-ho, Chief, Mechanical/Electrical Section, ROC Industry Bureau. On the small and medium business side, there are Mr. Yu Chih-cheng, General Manager, Tung Lung Hsin Yeh Co., Ltd.; Mr. Tzan Nian-tsu, General Manager, Ho Sheng Pao Co., Ltd.; Mr. Sun Jui-lung, Perma Enterprises Co., Ltd. Most of the alumni/ae are gracious and benevolent in terms of their relationship with their alma mater.. They never forgot how she has done for them in the past. It’s expected that a total of 200 alumni/ae will turn out to join the celebrations of their home department’s birthday. On this occasion, they will elect a new chairperson to replace Mr. Liu Zan-yang, who has already served 2 terms for 10 years as Chair of the TKU Alumni/ae Association of Chemical Engineering Department. Mr. Liu is now working in the Institute of Industrial Technology Research, ROC.

Dr. Chang Cheng-liang, a graduate of TKU, who also served once as Chair of the Department, is now in charge of the whole celebration. He hopes with tea parties and related functions, the friendship between alumni/ae and their alma mater can be further cemented.

An Exhibition showing the progression as well as research efforts of the faculties of the department will be held at the stairwell of the Engineering Building on the same day. Again, a symposium divided into 2 groups will be held as of 2:00 PM. Group A featuring Photo-electronic and Functional Polymer Materials will be held at E787. 4 alumni are scheduled to give lectures in the Symposium and their names are: Mr. Sun Shou-hsi, Manager, Walsin Lihwa Co., Ltd.; Mr. Hsieh Ming-teng, Manager, Technology Department, Nan Ya (South Asia) Industrial Co., Ltd.; Mr. Wang Sheng-min, Researcher, Institute of Industrial Technology Research, ROC and Mr. Yang Zung-hwa, Director, Hao Pang Co., Ltd. Group B will feature Dr. Chen Shui-tien, Researcher, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Academia Sinica and many professors to talk about biochemical and medical materials. In short, Group B is rather academic in nature.

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