NO. 499

27 Vocational High School Headmasters Will Visit TKU on April 22

The Educational Technology Department, College of Education, will invite 27 vocational high schools’ headmasters from Tao Yuan hsien today (April 22) from 10:00 to 12:00 AM to visit TKU campus. On their tour they will be led by Dr. Wang Chein-hua, Chair, Department of Educational Technology to visit the Information Processing Center to look at their soft-and-hardware apparatus. Then they will tour around Distance Teaching classrooms, Educational Development Center and Chueh Sheng Memorial Library, etc. They will also be led to see Dr. Clement C.P. Chang., Founder of TKU who will give them a luncheon party at Kuan Hai Restaurant at noon.

In the delegation led by Education Inspector Mr. Tang Fu, Education Bureau, Tao Yuan, there are four members who are alumni of TKU: Mr. Liao Wan-lien, Headmaster, Chung Li Home Economics High School; Mr. Chen Yung-sheng, Headmaster, Yu Tah Business High School, Mr. Wu Cheng-mu, Chung Li Business High School and Mr. Chuang Ming-hwei, Chih Ying High School.

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