A vis-a-vis discussion between Pres. Chang Horng-jinh and student club leaders was held last Thursday (April 25) in the International Conference Room, Ching Sheng Memorial Hall. Also attending the discussion were university officials at various levels, who were standing by to answer questions put by students.
Campus security and insufficiency space to meet the mounting demands of so many student organizations were two vital issues in the discussion.
Mr. Wu Ming-chen, leader of the English Conversation Club, mentioned that he had a life-threatening experience when he was almost knocked down by a campus police on his night reconnoitering duty, because the latter had had no lighting gears on his motorcycle.
Pres. Chang admitted that he had heard similar reports like this before. When an incident occurred, he said, police should rush to the scene and be of help immediately without delay. Perhaps on the motorcycle, police should mount some alarms or flashing paper to warn the nighttime pedestrians.
Somewhere along the way, a student came and suggested that alongside the “Ke Nan” steeple steps, if the school could install some hidden cameras on some strategic points to scare away the would-be stalkers, this would be a real blessing to female students who sometimes have to make a crossing over those steps at night.
Another student mentioned that according to some unconfirmed report, some toilets for women have been found to have the pinhole photo “Peeping Tom” device installed by some sex fiends---a shock!
This could be false alarm as Prof. Hung Ching-jen, Dean of General Affairs reassured the skeptical student that after a counter-sneaky shot surveillance over all the female johns on campus, there is no single pinhole photo equipment in any of them.
About the environs safety surrounding TKU, one student, her name is Tang Hsin-yi, a leader from Animated Cartoon and Comics Club, said that in the basement of Tamsui- Taipei Rapid Transit Station, there are often reports of mugging, and recently there was one genuine report of suspected mugging incident. Pres. Chang responded that this was the second report of the similar nature. He had caused Guidance & Counseling Section to report this to the Tamsui Police Station, asking them to launch a full scale investigation and then put a tracer to the result of police action.
As for the age-old problem of insufficient space to use by student clubs, some say because the crashing noise made by some team members when rehearsing music numbers are insufferable to their neighbors, they feel frustrated facing the problem. It would be great if they could be relocated to a basement or some sound-proof facilities.
Speaking of tin-roof barracks, Mr. Wu Ming-chen from the English Conversation Club said that they have been “forcefully” occupied by some club organizers but worse, “ they are there, that’s for sure, but they don’t use the facilities like everybody else.” He suggested an investigation to the “misuse” situation.
In answering these questions, Pres. Chang said the lack of space problem will be resolved once the University New Gymnasium is completed. By then, everybody should be happy because there will be more than enough space for accommodating each and every club of the student body.
But the noise pollution problems seem more pressing, especially the Music Club and the Martial Arts Club members who are residents of the tin-roof barracks. Their rowdy performance has disturbed their neighboring residents, and they have reflected their displeasure to the school; so be careful and behave yourself, that’s the last word Prof. Keh Huan-chao, Dean, Student Affairs, warned the attending club leaders.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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