The philosophy of Chuang Tz is often regarded not just as part of classical Chinese literature in Tamkang U., but also a world treasure. For this reason, Department of Chinese, TKU, will hold a Chuang Tz Convention in the International Conference Room, Ching Sheng Memorial Hall, inviting Chuang Tz scholars from within and without TKU to attend and give papers.
The name of the convention: “A Symposium on the Relative Materialism (Chi-wu-lun) by Chuang Tz”
The attending conferees come from a multifarious field: including Chinese, philosophy and religion.
An outstanding feature of the symposium is that there are a number of Caucasian professors whose specialty is German, French and Russian have shown equal interest to attend.
From TKU side we know Profs. Tseng Chao-hsu and Chao Wei-ming will deliver papers.
Profs.Yuan Pao-hsin, Department of Chinese, TKU and Wang Pang-hsiung, Department of Chinese, Central University, will each deliver a keynote speech and a speech.
Also, from the Caucasian faculty of TKU, we have Prof. Vladimir Maliavin from Department of Russian who is scheduled to give a speech, “The Concept of Harmony in Chuang Tz’s Relative Materialism”.
Meanwhile, Profs. Reinhard Dussel from Department of German and Hsu Peng-fei from Department of France, have manifested their intention to attend.
UPDATE: 2010/09/27
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