NO. 503

Ministry of Education Inspection Team Suggests Improvement of Lack of Space Problems in Physical Edu

Ministry of Education Inspection Team put forward their suggestions to improve the dearth of physical education space in TKU.

A team consisting of Ministry of Education inspectors arrived at TKU last Tuesday (May 14). They came to see our Physical Education facilities or how we are in need of them. Their general impression, however, was in favor of our program. They had made on-spot inspection on the basketball and volleyball fields, plus Activity Center, and held interviews with faculties and students on the scene.

The only problem facing TKU is that given the amount of ever-increasing student population, there is an acute dearth of open fields. Pres. Chang Horng-jinh, however, told the inspectors that TKU is aggressively exploring every possibility of increasing more space for Physical Education. Prof. Wang Yi-shyung, Dean, Physical Education, indicated that adjacent to the Wu-Hu-Kang parking lot, TKU is planning to construct a new basketball field as well as four volleyball fields, and they will soon be open for students to use. Prof. Chang Cheh-lang, Dean, Graduate Institute of Sports and Recreation Management, National Taiwan Normal University, suggested us to consider constructing coin-operated lighting facilities to solve the pressing problem.

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