NO. 574


There will be two seminars on Friday, May 21, on Tamsui Campus. The first one is organized by the Division of General Education and Core Curriculum (DGECC) on “Sex Industry and Moral Thinking”. The organizer has invited several experts on gender theories such as the writer Ho Chuan-zue, who is known as Taiwan’s radical feminist to give talks on ‘Rights of sex workers and Management” and related issues.

These issues include Professor Hsu Zuo-ming’s, a teacher from the DGECC, who is also the coordinator of the program, “Voyeurism and Exhibitionism” and “Taiwan’s regulation of the sex industry and moral thinking” by Professor Chang Chia-ming from the Department of Social Studies, Soochow University, Taipei.

The other seminar deals with “2004 Avant Garde Chemistry – Material Science in Chemistry.” The Department of Chemistry invited Dr. Richard G. Weiss from Georgetown University and many other eminent scholars from various institutes and universities in Taiwan to give talks on Functional Supramolecular Chemistry such as nano material, biosensors, synthesized enzyme and biopolymer.

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