【Huan Du, Tamsui Campus Report】On May 13 and 14 the Department of Management Sciences held the “2016 New Age Management Sciences Forum - Industry Development Trends Forum.” On May 14 the “2016 Management Sciences and Enterprise Resolutions Forum” took place in B712 and B713. President Flora Chia-I Chang expressed, “The Department of Management Sciences has a very long history filled with prosperous alumni. This forum is a blend of information and research that displays the latest technology for current academic development. Online apps and smart technology have had great success in the College of Engineering’s programs. The future welcomes versatile, innovative and specialized methods of instruction.”
Director of the Department of Management Sciences, Ruey-chyn Tsaur, expressed, “This forum is a platform for academic-industry cooperation to research career fundamentals for the benefit of efficient student development. I’m grateful to all the members of this forum for their support and participation.” The event consisted of 150 educators discussing the tendencies of development regarding internet information and mass data analysis. 5 specialists were invited to speak including Ralph E. Steuer, who spoke on ”Addition of Practicalities and a Third Criterion to Standard Mean-Variance Markowitz Portfolio Selection. 37 dissertations were handed out for the event.
UPDATE: 2016/05/26