【Hong-wei Lu, Tamsui Campus Report】The Department of Information Engineering participated in the Ministry of Education’s “Second National Campus Cloud Innovation Applications Competition” on May 7, winning 2nd and 3rd place. The awards were presented on the 3rd floor of the International Conference Hall at the National Taiwan University Hospital. Director of the Department of Information Engineering, Hui-huang Hsu, expressed, “Thanks to all of the students and teachers for their efforts leading to this great honor.”
2nd place was awarded to the U Plus Knowledge System Team lead by Associate Professor of the Department of Information Engineering, Meng-shinan Pan and included fourth-year students of the department, Jun-long Lin and Chong-ming Wang. The team was recognized for their skill of the iBeacon consisting of bluetooth technology. Jun-long Lin expressed thanks to the professors for their support and suggestions in the project.
3rd place was awarded to i-Defense Team lead by Professor of the Department of Information Engineering, Chih-yung Chang and included doctoral student of the department, Zheng-chang Chen and second-year student master’s student, Yang-han Zheng. The team was awarded for their skill using smartphone sensors and wireless technology for the use of effective methods of protection. Zheng-chang Chen expressed, “I’m very grateful to my professors for their support.
UPDATE: 2016/05/19